Our Great Story

Vallarta Property Finder was created in order to provide to those, looking to purchase, sell or rent a property in Puerto Vallarta, Nuevo Nayarit, Bucerias, Bahia de Banderas or Banderas bay and surrounding areas, a place to search for properties, compare and get information on the buying process. Vallarta Property Finder offers a platform for those people looking to sell their property, and lack a platform to expose it. With this tool, sellers and renters can maximize the exposure, and with this, prospect buyers will be able to find the property in the internet and increase the chances of actually selling the place.

With this partnership our clients not only benefit from beautiful listing photography but also ‘best in class’ Internet marketing technology for real estate.

What we do

Legal & Escrow Services

We have a team of lawyers, accountants and administrators, with the knowledge and expericence to help you with your closing process, capital gains, administration of properties, legal services, POA´s, Notary Services and more.

Modular 73 Architects

Our partnership team offers you their expertise on designing, building, remodeling and renovating properties. Home inspection reports, assessments, surveys, soil mechanics, structural reports and more services are provided with thes this team of professional architecs and engineers.

P.R. Services

Looking to plan a celebration, wedding or bussiness trip.